Senin, 29 Mei 2017



            Audience which I respect.
            In this occasion let us be grateful to Allah SWT for all the grace I can have a chance to reading my speech today of the education.
               As a national figure Ki Hadjar Dewantara, he is an educational figure. which brings influence to the education of the nation Indonesia. Education is a strategy to improve quality of the nation because the progress of a nation can be seen from education.

The education development index for all or education for all in Indonesia declines. If last year Indonesia was ranked 65th, this year slumped in rank 69th. Based on inside data Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011: The Hidden Crisis, Armed Conflict and Education

                Ladies and gentlemen Seeking knowledge is an obligation for all of us better seek knowwledge through official  intitutions or looking in the environment around us. science is the best friend for us to live our lives in the world. If we don't have the science then our lives purpose. But with education we will have a purpose in live. the audience can imagine if we life without the science will a be a lot of crime, the illiteracy rate will be increased. There fore we should all be aware that education is wery important for our next generation.
            How important we are to study so we will have the knowledge and open a wide window the world. Education will open the eyes of the world for life better. With the equally distributed we would bring many change. Let’s build education around the world to be better and regenerate the generation smart.
            That’s all I can say may we all be blessed with beneficial knowledge. Please sorry if there is mistake from me.

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